• Radamés Gnattali dies on February 3, aged 82. His body is being kept in the hall of Rio de Janeiro’s Theatro Municipal and then taken to São João Batista cemetery, in Botafogo.


< Um gênio da música total >

Jornal do Brasil (RJ), 04/02/1988 [1]
Text: João Máximo and Luiz Paulo Horta



Sinfonia Popular nº 1
II – Lento com fantasia (trecho)
Brazilian Symphony Orchestra
Claudio Santoro, regente
[ Selo Festa – Irineu Garcia -LDR5021 ]


  • On February 11, a concert will be held at the João Caetano Theater, organized by the poet, composer and writer Hermínio Bello de Carvalho – Obrigado Radamés – Tributo a Radamés Gnattali.Participam do encontro vários músicos, amigos e admiradores do maestro.
  • The Villa-Lobos Festival, in 1988, is dedicated to the memory of Radamés Gnattali, with the performance of several of his works over six concerts.


  • On October 5, the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil is promulgated. The country returns to democratic normality.



Brasiliana nº 1 (trecho)
Orquestra Sinfônica Nacional
Alceo Bocchino, conductor
[ SOARMEC Discos – S004 ]

[1] Source: Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional