• On August 28, Radamés testifies for the Ciclo Personalidades, of the Museum of Image and Sound of Rio de Janeiro. Present are researcher and writer Jairo Severiano (depo coordinator), percussionist Luciano Perrone, composer and pianist Tom Jobim, poet and composer Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, guitarist Manoel da Conceição, musicians Sérgio Saraceni and Aluisio Didier, and MIS representative Elizabeth Formagini.
  • Radamés presents in I Free-Jazz Festival as pianist, composer and arranger, with mandolinist Joel Nascimento and the Camerata Carioca[1], at the Teatro do Hotel Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.
Jornal do Brasil (RJ) > ‘Radamés leaves the audience in full emotion’. By João Máximo’.

Jornal do Brasil, 06/08/1985.


  • The commemorations of Radamés’ 80th birthday are anticipated. Funarte is preparing, in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Brasília, a concert in honor of the composer, Grande Gala Radamés – 80with book launch Radamés Gnattali – o eterno experimentador [2]by Valdinha Barbosa and Anne Marie Devos, containing a biography and the first printed catalog of the maestro’s concert and popular music works.
  • Radamés, in full activity at the age of 79, signs the arrangements and musical direction of the double album of composer and singer Dorival Caymmi: Caymmi – Som, imagem, magia, released by Sargaço Produções Artísticas, for the Emílio Odebrecht Foundation. Participation ofCamerata Carioca [3] and string orchestra conducted by maestro Alexandre Gnattali.


Radamés, on the piano, rehearsing with Dorival Caymmi.
Photo: Claus Meyer / Josemar Ferrari


  • Funarte is releasing the Radamés Gnattalie edition, a book of scores with compositions and arrangements by the maestro. The CD counts with the participation of several composers and interpreters who were friends of Radamés: Tom Jobim, Paulinho da Viola, José Menezes, Chiquinho do Acordeom, and the groups Camerata Carioca [4] and Brasil Quarteto.
  • The seal Libertas launches the elepê Radamés Gnattali, for solo piano, in which the interpreter revisits, in extraordinary arrangements, popular classics of Brazilian music, such as Carinhosoand Cochicho, of Pixinguinha; Chovendo na Roseiraand Corcovado, of Tom Jobim; Ponteio, of Edu Lobo and Capinan, and others

Poem by Tom Jobim dedicated to his friend Radamés
(Back cover of the elepê Radamés Gnattali)

  • Turíbio Santos records in France, for Editions Costallat, theBrasiliana nº 13 (1983), by Radamés Gnattali, dedicated to the guitarist.
  • Radamés composes:
    • Concerto para bandolim e orquestra de cordas, dedicated to mandolin player Joel Nascimento.
    • Pequena suíte para violão dedicated to Turíbio Santos
    • Retratos para piano e orquestra de câmara (from the original for mandolin, with choro ensemble and string orchestra, 1956)
    • Sonatina coreográfica para quarteto de violões (from the original for piano solo, 1950) – “dedicado à Turíbio Santos e sua orquestra de violões”
    • Suíte Brasileira – para piano e três violões dedicated to Trio Opus 12, (transcribed from Suíte para pequena orquestra, 1940)
  • It is held, in Jacarepaguá, a district in the west zone of Rio de Janeiro, the 1st edition of Rock in Rio. The biggest event of its kind in Brazil.
  • End of the military regime. Tancredo de Almeida Neves is the first civilian elected president of the republic, still by indirect vote, but with popular support, after 5 military presidents. He suddenly falls ill and dies before taking office, and is replaced by the vice-president, José Sarney.
  • Mikhail Gorbatchov, leader of the Soviet Union, initiates perestroika (economic restructuring) and glasnost (political transparency).

[1] [3] [4] For Camerata Carioca consult the Glossary.

[2] Winning monograph of the contest promoted by Divisão de Música Popular do Instituto Nacional de Música da Funarte, published as a book in 1984, Rio de Janeiro.