• Maria Weingärtner Fossati (1851-1910), Radamés’ maternal grandmother, dies in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, at the age of 59. Daughter of German immigrants, Maria was a cousin of the painter, draftsman and printmaker Pedro Weingärtner[1].
  • Radamés began studying the piano at the age of 4 with his mother, Adélia, according to the maestro’s own statement given to the Museu da Imagem e do Som (RJ), in 1985.

Carlo Fossati and Maria Weingärtner Fossati, Radamés’ maternal grandparents, with their children, in 1902. Standing, from left to right, Adélia (Radamés’ mother), Camillo, Cesar, Emília, Vittorio, Arthur, Pascoal and Frederica. Sitting, Paulina, Maria (mother), Nina (Itala), Carlito (Carlo, son), Carlo (father) and Virgil. They all studied music. The women, piano; the men, piano and violin or cello. Vittorio, besides the piano, played the flute very well.

  • Composer Ernesto Nazareth (1863-1934) releases the tango Odeon.
  • On November 23rd the ” Revolta da Chibata ” [2] takes place in Rio de Janeiro.

[1] Pedro Weingärtner (Porto Alegre RS 1853 – ditto 1929). Painter, engraver, lithographer, draftsman and teacher. Read more
[2] Revolt of sailors in Rio de Janeiro, led by João Cândido Felisberto (1880-1969), the “Black Admiral”. Riots on two warships, sailors rebel against the punishments inflicted on them and threaten to bomb Guanabara. Read more