• Concord Concerto (Hollywood/CA – USA) releases the album Laurindo Almeida: First Concerto for Guitar and Orchestrapresenting, in addition to works by the guitarist, the Concerto nº 4 para violão e orquestra de cordas (1967), Radamés.

  • Radamés Gnattali, singer Maria Lucia Godoy, pianist Neusa Prado, Camerata Carioca and the vocal group Viva Voz star in the show. Música, Músicain celebration of the 415th anniversary of the city of Rio de Janeiro, on March 1st, on a stage set up at Marechal Floriano Square, Cinelândia, around the steps of the City Council. Script and direction by Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, produced by Fundação Rio, from the city hall [1].


  • Radamés composes:
    • Short concerto (nº 5) for piano, with flute, timpani and string orchestra
  • Return of multipartyism, new political parties are created in Brazil.
  • Pope John Paul II makes his first visit to Brazil.


[1] Font: Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional – Jornal do Brasil, 27/02/1980.