• In a live broadcast on May 15th, Rádio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro performs the 5th concert of the station’s Great Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Iberê Gomes Grosso (or Leo Peracchi), presenting, in the first hearing, Canadiana, para orquestra (1943) de Radamés Gnattali[1].
  • On May 30, the piano duo Tomás Terán and Arnaldo Estrella perform on the program ONDAS MUSICAIS [2] broadcasted by Rádio Nacional in Rio de Janeiro, among other stations, interpreting the Waltz for 2 pianoscomposed in 1933 and dedicated to their friend, the painter Cândido Portinari.

Waltz for 2 pianos
  • In October, the Festival of Brazilian Music takes place at the Theatro Municipal of Rio de Janeiro, presenting works by Camargo Guarnieri, José Siqueira, and Radamés Gnattali. Iberê Gomes Grosso solos the
    Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
    (1941), by Radamés, with the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, conducted by the author.
Correio da Manhã (RJ) 15/10/1944 > Festival de Música Brasileira, por Eurico Nogueira França.


  • Radamés composes:

    • Brasiliana [nº 1] for large orchestra
      – dedicated to José Mauro
    • Serestas [nº1] for flute, guitar and string quartet

    • Toccata for piano
      – dedicated to Maria Teresinha Gnattali, Radamés’ sister.


  • The FEB (Brazilian Expeditionary Force) finally embarks for Italy, joining the U.S. Army.
  • Allied forces land in Normandy. It is the so-called “D” day of World War II. Paris is freed.
  • Presidente Vargas Avenue is inaugurated in Rio de Janeiro.

[1] Font: Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional – A Noite, de 14 de maio: (pg. 4) ; (pg. 7)

[2] Source: Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional –O Jornal, de 30 de maio de 1944