• On July 18, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Alexandre Gnattali [1], the firstborn of the couple Radamés and Vera, was born.


Alexandre, with his paternal grandparents, Alexandre and Adélia, and Bulungo, Aunt Aída’s parrot. Porto Alegre, 1937.

  • Radamés turns 30 years old.
  • On September 12, PRE-8, SociedadeRádioNacional do Rio de Janeiro, is inaugurated. Radamés is hired initially as an orchestra pianist and soon becomes an arranger and conductor.
Radamés, in 1936, in front of the PRE-8 microphone, a kind of icon of the Golden Era of Brazilian radio.
Foto: Arquivo MIS
  • 1936. Radamés on the piano at the PRE-8 Sociedade Rádio Nacional, in front of the microphone of the radio station, an icon of the Golden Era of Brazilian radio.
Foto: arquivo MIS

The All Star Orchestra, one of the Rádio Nacional orchestras in 1936, was formed by 2 trumpets, trombone, 2 alto saxophones (or 2 clarinets), tenor saxophone, piano, double bass, and drums. Radamés was the orchestra’s pianist and Simon Boutman conducted the orchestra. In the background, on drums, Luciano Perrone. One can see that the orchestra had a considerable percussion set, with timpani, gong, vibraphone, and drums.



  • Radamés is responsible for the arrangements and musical direction of the revue in two acts and 40 paintings, Parada das Maravilhas [2], staged at the Theatro Municipal in Rio de Janeiro on October 10 and 18. Read more at Music on Stage > theater/dance.
  • The Victor label releases Radamés’ choro
    and waltzes
    Two in the Morning
    Springtime of Love
    Remembering the past
    all tracks with the Victor Typical Orchestra.

Radamés composes:

    • Concerto No. 2 for piano and orchestra
    • Legend and Choro for string quartet

    • Rhapsody for two pianos and jazz
      (incomplete) [3]

    • Waltz, Modinha and Jongo
      [4] (Approximate year of composition. Unlocated work, quoted in newspapers of the time, sometimes as Suíte, sometimes as Miniaturas . In 1940 Radamés transcribed this piece for large orchestra with the title
      Three Miniatures – Waltz, Modinha and Jongo
  • Born in Rio de Janeiro, pianist and composer Luizinho Eça (Luiz Mainzi da Cunha Eça), to whom Radamés dedicates, in the 1960s, the Concerto Carioca nº 2 , for piano trio, bass and drums with a large orchestra.
  • Oscar Niemeyer and Lúcio Costa design the headquarters of the Ministry of Education and Health, in Rio de Janeiro. The inspiration came from the Swiss architect Le Corbusier, with straight lines and a new concept of functionality.
  • Santos Dumont Airport opens in Rio de Janeiro.
  • The first recording of a concert on magnetic tape is made in Germany.

[1] Alexandre Genuíno Gnattali graduated in Dentistry in 1963. In 1969 he traveled to India where he studied at the Kaivalya Dahma school in the village of Lonavala, Maharastra, where he became a Yoga teacher. Back in Brazil, he joined the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in the Physical Education course, graduating in 1976.

[2] Source: Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional – Jornal do Brasil, from 10/10/1936 e 18/10/1936.

[3] A Rapsódia para 2 pianos e jazz (1936) appears to be the first version of the Fantasia Brasileira nº 1 para piano e orquestra, esta, de 1937.

[4] Source: National Library Newspaper Library – Correio da Manhã, from 07/08/1937