• The already established singer Bidu Sayão invites Radamés to accompany her as pianist on her tour through southern Brazil. Passing through Porto Alegre, the singer, in a generous gesture of encouragement to the young composer, includes in the program his
    Trio nº 1, for piano, violin and cello
    (1933). The piece, performed at the singer’s 3rd recital, in Porto Alegre, on October 25, at Teatro São Pedro, was interpreted by Radamés (piano), Carlos Baroni (violin), and Nelson Cintra (cello).
Trio no. 1, for piano, violin and cello (1933)
[Sem referência de fonte]
> O concerto despedida de Bidú Sayão. A brilliant and vigorous musical work by Radamés Gnattali.

10.26.1934 (no reference) ” Review: “O concerto despedida de Bidú Sayão – A brilliant and vigorous musical work by Radamés Gnattali”.


  • Radamés participates as accompanist pianist in the last farewell concert for singer Bidu Sayão, held at the Theatro Municipal in Rio de Janeiro, on December 2 [1].
  • The Odeon label releases the choro Serenata no Joá and the waltz Vilma, both by Radamés, with a clarinet solo by Luiz Americano.
  • Composer and pianist Ernesto Nazareth, one of Radamés’ greatest musical references since his youth, dies in Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

Radamés composes:

    • Song and Dance, for double bass and piano

    • Canto, on an aboio theme, for bassoon and piano –
      “to my father”.
    • Concerto No. 1 for piano and large orchestra

    • Poem No. 1 for violin and chamber orchestra
      – dedicated to Célio Nogueira

    • Poem No. 1
      for violin and piano – (reduction of the orchestral part for piano) – dedicated to Célio Nogueira.
  • Three more radio stations are inaugurated in Rio de Janeiro: Rádio Difusora, of the City Hall (later Roquete Pinto), Rádio Cruzeiro do Sul, and Rádio Transmissora.
  • The Hora do Brasil, radio program of the Federal Government that later becomesr A voz do Brasil.
  • The second Constitution of the Republic is promulgated, benefiting workers and regulating women’s suffrage. The Labor Justice System is created.
  • Adolf Hitler assumes powers of head of state in Germany.

[1] Font: Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional – Correio da Manhã: 04/12/1934