• On February 4th, in Porto Alegre (RS), Alexandre Gnattali Filho [1], Radamés’ brother, was born.


In 1925, the brothers Aída, Radamés, Ernani and Alexandre were still a boy.
  • Mandolin player and composer Jacob do Bandolim is born in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) [2] (Jacob Pick Bittencourt, 1918-1969), whos Radamés dedicated, in 1956, : Retratos, para bandolim, conjunto regional de choro e orquestra de cordas; em 1957, o Concertino, para bandolim e orquestra de câmara, ao que consta, inédito.
  • Conductor, pianist and composer Alceu Bocchino (Alceo Ariosto Bocchino, 1918-2013) is born in Curitiba (PR). He was Radamés’ friend and companion for many years, in the daily toil of concerts, recording studios, and radio and television programs.
  • The First World War ends, with the signing of the armistice between Germany and the Allies.


[1]Alexandre Gnattali Filho (1918-1990) studied piano with his father and sister Aida and harmony with conductor Roberto Eggers, in Porto Alegre. In 1943 he moved to Rio de Janeiro to study harmony, counterpoint and composition with Newton Pádua. He joined Rádio Nacional as a copyist, soon becoming arranger and conductor, remaining there until the mid-1960s, when Rádio Nacional collapsed. He is soon hired by the extinct TV Excelsior and joins the CBS label, as an arranger and conductor, where he remains until he retires. He worked intensively as a composer, arranger and orchestra director for phonographic recordings, film, theater, radio and television scores Among others, he directed the Brazilian production of the American musical My fair lady, in 1961, with Bibi Ferreira and Paulo Autran. He signed the musical direction of several films, such as O Petróleo é nosso (1954), Carnaval em Marte (1954), Treze Cadeiras (1957), Rio Zona Norte (1958) de Nelson Pereira dos Santos, O grande momento (1958), O Homem do Sputnik (1959), Minervina vem aí! (1959), Quanto mais samba, melhor (1961), Os Apavorados (1962), Entre mulheres e espiões (1962), entre outros. He married in 1950 the singer Juanita Castilho (pseudonym of Clarisse Maria de Noronha), with whom he had two daughters, Sandra and Carla.

[2] Visite o site doInstituto Jacob do Bandolim