• Violinist, composer, researcher and teacher César Guerra-Peixe is born in Petrópolis (RJ).
  • Composer Dorival Caymmi [1] is born in Salvador, Bahia.
  • Pixinguinha (Alfredo da Rocha Viana Filho), at age 17, Donga (Ernesto dos Santos) and other regulars at Tia Ciata’s house [2] form the Grupo de Caxangá.
  • Chiquinha Gonzaga’s ” Corta-Jaca” is sung and accompanied on the guitar at the Catete Palace by the first lady, dona Nair de Teffé, President Hermes da Fonseca’s young wife and the first caricaturist in the Brazilian press (Rian), causing scandal and provoking a noisy protest by Rui Barbosa through the newspapers.
  • On July 28, the Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war on Serbia, starting the First World War.

[1] It was the Bahian Dorival Caymmi, in 1938, who forwarded to Radamés the popular preaching “Flor da noite” (“sung by the popcorn seller, on moonlit nights”). Radamés liked the theme so much that he used it in several works, such as in the highly inspired 2nd movement of Sinfonia Popular nº 1.

[2] Hilária Batista de Almeida, a famous Bahian deli, better known as Tia Ciata, organized samba and choro circles at her home in Cidade Nova, Rio de Janeiro It was there that the samba Pelo Telefone, of controversial authorship, was created