• Report by poet, composer and writer Hermínio Bello de Carvalho entitled Radamés makes music without bordersfor the magazine “a Cigarra – magazine, #9 – September, 1961. Photos by Armando Rozário. (Source: Hemeroteca a Biblioteca Nacional)
  • O gaucho Radamés pg 21
  • Radamés Gnattali pg 22
  • Great foreign musicians… pg 23
  • (conclusionusion) pg 24
  • Odeon launches the elepê Radamés na Europa, com seu Sexteto e Edu – vol. 2.

  • The cavaquinho player and composer Luciana Rabello (Luciana Maria Rabello Pinheiro), to whom Radamés dedicates, in 1983, the work Variações sem tema, for cavaquinho and piano, is born in Petrópolis (RJ). Luciana was part of the first formation of Camerata Carioca [1].
  • Radamés composes:
    • Brasiliana no. 9 for cello and piano (reduction of the orchestral part for piano)

    • Concerto No. 2 for Violin and Orchestra
      – dedicated to Romeu Ghipsman (finished 1962)
    • Concerto No. 3 (serenade) for piano and large orchestra (finished in 1962)
    • Brazilian Fantasy no. 5 for piano and large orchestra
  • The CPC (Centro Popular de Cultura) of the UNE (National Students’ Union) is energized with plays, films, records, and lectures.
  • Jânio Quadros takes over the presidency of the Republic. After 7 months in office, on August 25, he resigns.
  • Vice President João Goulart, after a strong legalist campaign led by Leonel Brizola, takes office; still, with limited powers, under the parliamentary system.
  • Rádio Nacional, starting with Jânio’s resignation, culminating with the military coup in 1964, which overthrows president João Goulart, goes through a period of great instability and rapid decadence. The orchestra’s musicians are transferred to Rádio Ministério da Educação, which inaugurates the new Rádio MEC National Symphony Orchestra, focused on broadcasting Brazilian classical music.
  • The GDR (German Democratic Republic), Communist Germany, begins construction of the Berlin Wall.
  • John Kennedy is the new president of the United States.

[1] ForCamerata Carioca, consults the Glossário.