Radamés turns 20. Maria Terezinha, the youngest of the five Gnattali brothers, to whom Radamés dedicates the Toccata for piano in 1944. Maria Teresinha Gnattali (1926 -1946) Back in Porto Alegre, after the success of his concerts in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Radamés joined the Henrique Oswald Quartet as a violist, […]
On October 3rd, Radamés takes part in the 20th Sarau da Sociedade Quartetto Paulista, at the Conservatório Dramático e Musical de São Paulo. The program includes the same repertoire as the concert held at the National Institute of Music, in Rio de Janeiro, the previous year. Professor Fontainha, who accompanies Radamés, sends Porto Alegre an […]
Radamés is taken to Rio de Janeiro by his teacher Guilherme Fontainha to perform a recital at the Instituto Nacional de Música, on July 31 [1]. The concert is a great success and the Rio de Janeiro critics are full of praise. Radamés is considered the great promise of the Brazilian piano [2]. Fontainha, in […]
In July, Radamés performs at the Conservatório Musical de Porto Alegre, as part of a recital of students from that institute, performing H. Oswald’s “Polonaise” opus 34. In the same recital, the young pianist Aída Gnattali, a student of professor Julieta Leão, performs Giga, by Araujo Vianna [1]. Radamés completes the 8th year of piano […]
Earning 10 thousand réis, Radamés, at the age of sixteen, works at the Cinema Colombo with his friends Luís Cosme and Sotero Cosme (violins), Júlio Grau (flute) and two other musicians, forming a small orchestra with two violins, flute, cello, bass and piano. The ensemble animated silent movie sessions, performing pot-pourris of French and Italian […]
The multi-instrumentalist with strings, composer and arranger José Menezes [1] (José Menezes França), to whom Radamés dedicates, in 1957, the Concertino nº 3 for guitar and orchestra, with flute, drums, bells and string orchestra. [2]
Radamés, at the age of 14, is admitted to the Conservatório de Música, part of the Instituto de Belas Artes de Porto Alegre, already in the 5th year of piano, in the class of professor Guilherme Halfeld Fontainha.
The Oito Batutas ensemble, led by Pixinguinha (Alfredo da Rocha Viana Filho, 1897-1973), emerges in Rio de Janeiro, commissioned by the manager of the Cine Palais.[1]
On February 4th, in Porto Alegre (RS), Alexandre Gnattali Filho [1], Radamés’ brother, was born. In 1925, the brothers Aída, Radamés, Ernani and Alexandre were still a boy. Mandolin player and composer Jacob do Bandolim is born in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) [2] (Jacob Pick Bittencourt, 1918-1969), whos Radamés dedicated, in 1956, : Retratos, […]
The guitarist and composer Laurindo Almeida was born in Miracatu (SP), to whom Radamés dedicates several works, including the Concerto nº 4 para violão e orquestra [1], de 1967. Radamés and Laurindo, in the 1940s. In February, the Original Dixieland Jazz Band (ODJB) makes its first recording in the United States; is the first album […]