• Continental releases the elepê Waltzes from my land with Radamés Gnattali and his orchestra, and arrangements of his own for famous Brazilian waltzes.
  • Brothers Alexandre and Radamés Gnattali sign the musical direction of the film Rio Zona Norte, with songs by the composer and samba player Zé Kéti (José Flores de Jesus). This film is considered one of the landmarks that founded the ‘new cinema’, an artistic movement that emerged in the 1960s and revolutionized Brazilian cinema.

  • Also that year, Radamés was musical director for the following films: The giraffe’s fiancé and Chico Fumaça, both directed by Victor Lima, starring Amácio Mazzaropi ;
    On a tightrope
    directed by Eurides Ramos, for which he composed the song
    The Melindrosas
    (with Meira Guimarães) ;
    O Barbeiro que se vira
    also by Eurides Ramos, for which he composed
    Baile no Galpão
    Master Filó
    (polka) and
    Tá no Ré
  • Radamés composes:

    • Concertino nº 3 for guitar and orchestra with flute, drums (w/ timpani and bells) –
      dedicated to José Menezes

    • Concerto for harp and string orchestra
      – dedicated to harpist Gianni Fumagalli

    • Sonatina for guitar and piano
      (finalized in 1958) – dedicated to Dilermando Reis
  • Tute (Artur de Souza Nascimento), the first guitarist to use a seven-stringed guitar in the regional choro ensemble at the beginning of the 20th century, dies in Rio de Janeiro.
  • At the age of 16, Pelé (Edson Arantes do Nascimento, 1940), debuts on the Brazilian national soccer team.
  • The Soviet Union launches Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, into space.