• Opening the first symphonic concert of the Temporada Nacional de Arte de 1953The guitarist Garoto (Aníbal Augusto Sardinha) performs, in a world premiere, the Concertino No. 2 for guitar and orchestra (1951)dedicated to him, by Radamés Gnattali, with the Municipal Theater Orchestra, conducted by Eleazar de Carvalho [1]. According to Radamés, Garoto realized the greatest dream of his life: to perform on the stage of the Theatro Municipal with his great orchestra.
  • The weekly newspaper
    (RJ), in its section Discoteca, rates as great the record Continental C-16.719 with the
    Brazilian Fantasy
    (face A) and the
    Brazilian Rhapsody (samba and baião)
    (side B), both by Radamés Gnattai and Laurindo Almeida, with Radamés and his Orchestra.
  • In commemoration of the 38th anniversary of its foundation, the Tijuca Tênis Club holds, on the night of June 22, the “Festival da Música Brasileira”, with the participation of the great Brazilian Orchestra of Rádio Nacional, composed of 70 figures in addition to singers and choir, arranged and conducted by Radamés Gnattali. Composed especially for the event, Radamés presents his Fantasia Brasileira nº3 – for piano and orchestrawith the author at the piano.

  • On August 24th, the first world audition of the Carioca Concert [nº1] with José Menezes (electric guitar), Radamés (piano) and the Brazilian Orchestra of Rádio Nacional, conducted by Alberto Lazolli. II Brazilian Music Festival, held at the headquarters of Fluminense Football Club in Rio de Janeiro. [2]


In the center of the proscenium, from left to right, the string trio of the Orquestra Brasileira: José Menezes, Garoto and Bola Sete (Djalma de Andrade).

  • Radamés composes:
    • Brazilian Fantasy No. 3 for piano and orchestra

    • Fantasia Brasileira nº 4 for trombone, piano, drums and orchestra
      – dedicated to Paulo Tapajós. Radamés notes in the score: “written for trombonist Waldemar Moura and drummer Luciano Perrone.

    • Brazilian popular suite
      for piano and electric guitar – dedicated to the guitarist Laurindo Almeida.
  • Getúlio Vargas sanctions Law no. 2004, which creates PETROBRAS, crowning a successful popular campaign that mobilized all of the country’s social strata.

[1] Font: Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional – revista Carioca, nº 915 – 18/04/1953
[2] Font: Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional – revista Carioca, nº 936 – 12/09/1953