World War II ends on May 8. Three months later, the United States government authorizes the dropping of the atomic bomb on two cities in Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  • First world audition of Concerto for violin and piano, with string quartet accompaniment (1933), by Radamés Gnattali, at the ABI Auditorium (Brazilian Press Association, RJ), during the Third Concert of the Brazilian Chamber Music Society; as soloists, Radamés and Célio Nogueira; conductor, Leo Peracchi.
  • Primeira audição sul-americana do Concerto nº 2 para piano e orquestra (1936), executado, em Montevidéu, Uruguai, pela pianista gaúcha Nise Obino [1], com regência do maestro Carlos Estrada.
  • The London BBC Symphony Orchestra performs and records the Brasiliana [nº 1] (1944), conducted by Clarence Reybould [2].
Brasiliana [nº 1]


Brasiliana nº 1
for large orchestra
National Symphony Orchestra
Alceo Bocchino, conductor
SOARMEC – S-004 (1997)


  • On November 24, Villa-Lobos founded the Brazilian Academy of Music in Rio de Janeiro [3]. As a founding member, Radamés is elected to occupy chair #2.
  • The Continental label releases Radamés Gnattali’s choro
    Smoke from my pipe
    with Francisco Sergi and his Orchestra.
  • Radamés composes:

    • Melodias do Brasil – for piano four hands
      (for beginners)
  • The poet, journalist, writer, photographer, essayist, folklorist and musicologist Mário de Andrade dies in São Paulo.
  • Maestro and composer Francisco Braga dies, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ).
  • The Hungarian composer Béla Bartók, whom Radamés admired as one of the three greatest composers of the 20th century, along with Rachmaninoff and Ravel, dies in New York.
  • The government decrees an amnesty for political prisoners and Luís Carlos Prestes is set free, after serving 10 years in prison.
  • In Brazil, the Armed Forces force Getúlio Vargas to resign, and he goes into exile in São Borja (RS). A cycle of 15 years of dictatorship in Brazil comes to an end, although it was also a period of achievements in labor rights.
  • The PTB (Brazilian Labor Party) is founded, whose organizers are loyal to Vargas.
  • Elections for Congress and the presidency of the Republic are held throughout Brazil.
  • Benito Mussolini is shot by Italian guerrillas. Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in Germany.


[1] Interview with pianist Nise Obino – Noite, 25/08/1945 (Font: Hemeroteca da BN)

[2] The conductor sends the following message to Radamés: “It has been a great pleasure for me, and the B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra, to record this delightful work. I shall look forward to making the acquaintance of more of Mr.Gnattali’s music, and also to playing ‘Brasiliana’ again. Clarence Raybould. Nov. 9. 1945”.

[3] Site da Academia Brasileira de Música: História