• Radamés’ debut in cinema as composer and musical director for the film Ganga Brutaby Humberto Mauro. The Columbia label releases the waltz Your eyes, still waterone of the songs from the movie, interpreted by singer Moacir Bueno Rocha.
  • The Victor label releases, by Radamés, the waltzes Vibrations of the soule Longing, and the polka-choro Conversa fiada.

Radamés composes:

    • Concerto for violin and piano, with string quartet accompaniment

    • Brazilian Rhapsody for two pianos
      (version of the original for solo piano) – dedicated to Brutus Pedreira and Ayres de Andrade
    • Trio No. 1 for violin, cello and piano

    • Waltz for two pianos
      – dedicated to Cândido Portinari

    • Brazilian Waltz No. 1 for piano – “
      for my sister Aída”.
  • Rio de Janeiro’s City Hall officially supports the Samba Schools parade, under the sponsorship of the O Globo newspaper. Wind instruments are forbidden, and the baianas’ wing becomes obligatory.
  • Inaugurated the good neighbor policy by the US [1].



[1] See more, FGV CPDOC