• On October 3rd, Radamés takes part in the 20th Sarau da Sociedade Quartetto Paulista, at the Conservatório Dramático e Musical de São Paulo. The program includes the same repertoire as the concert held at the National Institute of Music, in Rio de Janeiro, the previous year. Professor Fontainha, who accompanies Radamés, sends Porto Alegre an effusive telegram.

“Great triumph concert yesterday”

Jornal do Commercio (SP) – Review of the concert at Sociedade Quartetto Paulista, by Ernani Braga and Antônio de Sá Pereira.
“Radamés Gnattali is only not a brilliant promise, because he is a dazzling reality” (E.B.).

  • Newly founded on July 25, the newspaper O Globo carries the following note in its second edition on October 29:

“Due to illness, the Riograndense pianist Radamés Gnattali will not perform his recital announced for the 31st of this month, at the Instituto National Institute of Music”.

  • The Victor record company releases, in the United States, the first commercial records recorded by the electric system, using a microphone.