• In July, Radamés performs at the Conservatório Musical de Porto Alegre, as part of a recital of students from that institute, performing H. Oswald’s “Polonaise” opus 34. In the same recital, the young pianist Aída Gnattali, a student of professor Julieta Leão, performs Giga, by Araujo Vianna [1].
  • Radamés completes the 8th year of piano studies, at the Conservatório de Música de Porto Alegre, with honors.

  • Composer and singer Luiz Bandeira [2] was born in Recife, Pernambuco, and in 1959 he recorded for Continental the rare elepê Festa de Ritmos – Luiz Bandeira e suas músicas, with orchestral arrangements by Radamés.

[1] Fonte: O Jornal (RJ) de 02/08/1923.

[2] Luiz Bandeira (1923-1998), one of the greatest composers from Pernambuco, was the author of the song Na cadência do Samba (Que bonito é…), celebrizada no cinema, de 1959 a 1986, como fundo musical do suplemento de futebol do cine-jornal Canal 100, de Carlos Niemeyer. Na cadência do Samba (Que bonito é…), famous in cinema, from 1959 to 1986, as background music for the football supplement of the cine-newspaper Canal 100, by Carlos Niemeyer. Bandeira participou, como cantor convidado, do Sexteto Radamés Gnattali, em sua tournée pela Europa, em 1960.