• Radamés Gnattali is born on January 27, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. It was the same day and month as the 150th anniversary of Mozart’s birth.
“See that pacifier? It was always brand new. He never sucked a pacifier. Mamãe insisted for him to use it, but there was no way”, said Aída Gnattali, the maestro’s sister.
  • Born in Queluz (SP), conductor and arranger Lyrio Panicali, who, together with Leo Perachhi and Radamés, would form the front line of conductor-arrangers for Rádio Nacional in Rio de Janeiro in the 1940s and 50s.
  • Between April 15th and 20th the 1st Brazilian Workers Congress will take place in Rio de Janeiro, gathering union representatives from all over the country.
  • In Paris, Santos Dumont makes the first public flight with his 14 Bis, a heavier-than-air vehicle powered by a gasoline engine.