• On October 26, Radamés Gnattali and Nelly Biato [1] get married in Rio de Janeiro (RJ).
Radamés and Nelly Gnattali.
  • It takes place, on April 30th, at Sala Cecília Meireles, Rio de Janeiro, as part of the Radamés Gnattali Festival, the world’s first hearing of Concerto for accordion and string orchestra (1977)by Radamés, performed by accordionist Chiquinho do Acordeom (Romeu Seibel), to whom the work was dedicated, with the National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Alceo Bocchino. Other works included in the program are the Concerto para violoncelo, piano e orquestra de cordas (1965), with the cellist Iberê Gomes Grosso and the author on the piano, the Brasiliana nº 11 para orquestra (1970)and Brasiliana nº 1 (1944), always conducted by maestro Bocchino.



Concerto para acordeom e orquestra de cordas
III – Com espírito (Prenda minha)
National Symphony Orchestra
Alceo Bocchino, conductor
Chiquinho (Romeu Seibel), acordeom
Soarmec – S-0004 (1997)

Concerto para acordeom e orquestra
  • On October 10th, at the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, the Concerto Sinfônico em homenagem à Terceira Assembléia das Partes do INTELSATwith a presentation by the Municipal Theater Symphony Orchestra, performing works by Brazilian composers, among them the Sinfonia popular nº 1 (1956)by Radamés Gnattali, conducted by the author.
  • Pianist Roberto Szidon records at Deutche Grammophon/Phonogwith lp Radamés Gnattali – obras para piano.

  • Paulinho da Viola composes the choro Sarau para Radamés [2].
  • Radamés composes:
    • Concerto de Noel Rosa para piano e orquestra de câmara – dedicated to the pianist Arthur Moreira Lima (work based on themes by the composer Noel Rosa and his partners, Vadico and João de Barro)
  • Dies, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Orlando Silva, “o cantor das multidões”, immortalized by the recording of Carinhoso, by Pixinguinha and João de Barro, in 1937.
  • President Ernesto Geisel revokes AI-5 (Institutional Act nº 5).

[1] Nelly Biato was born on 07/10/1936 in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), where she died, aged 84, on 01/28/2021 He graduated in piano from the UFRJ School of Music, where he had the guidance of Professor Bernardino Queiroz. In the 1950s-1960s, under the stage name Nelly Martins, she acted as a singer and actress on radio, television and film In 1968, already living with Radamés, he abandoned his artistic career, graduating in physiotherapy and, later, in 1980, in medicine at Universidade Gama Filho. From 1969 to 1979, Radamés Gnattali and Nelly Martins formed a piano duo, which recorded a beautiful and rare LP on the Codil label and participated intensively in concerts and radio and television programs. In the 1970s and 1980s, Nelly joined the Elenco Disquinho of the Continental record company as the protagonist of the famous children’s stories by João de Barro (Braguinha), with orchestrations by Radamés.

[2] In the score, Paulinho’s dedication: “Radamés, this cry, which I started many years ago and only finished now, was the way I found to express my affection and admiration for you. (12/12/1978).”