Theatro João Caetano, premier October, 21st Musical comedy in 2 acts, divided into 1 prologue and 6 sets, by Luiz Peixoto and Batista Júnior (artistic directors). Production: Companhia...
SERTÃO (backlands) –Customs play acclimated in the Brazilian Northeast, in 2 acts and 6 sets, written and musicized by Jayme Ovale and Radamés Gnattali. Production: Grande Companhia do...
The “Parada das Maravilhas”, musical magazine in 2 acts and 40 sets by Gustavo A. Doria, premier performance at the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, October 10th...
Theatrical play in 3 acts and 14 sets, inspired in Portuguese poem verses by Avelino de Sousa, Mário de Barros and Mário Monteiro. . Sponsorchip: Liceu Literário Português....
Premier on July 28th, at Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, the musical magazine Joujoux e Balangandans with great cast and the orchestras of Mayrink Veiga and Nacional...
The Jardel JercolisCompany presents O Tesouro do Sultão, fantasy in 2 acts and 15 sets, by Ariovaldo Pires (Capitão Furtado). Music and musical direction: Radamés Gnattali Scenography: Jaime...
O Negrinho do Patoreio (bailado), for grand orchestra, started in the radio show “Ondas e estrelas”, promoted by the National Radio in 1960. Produced by Sérgio Vasconcelos and...
Ballet in 3 movements. Premier: jun 12, 1964, in Ballet Season of Municipal Theater. Músic: Radamés Gnattali (SCORE NOT FOUND) Choreography: Ismael Guiser Scenario: Fernando Pamplona Interpreter: Rute...