Premier on July 28th, at Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, the musical magazine Joujoux e Balangandans with great cast and the orchestras of Mayrink Veiga and Nacional Radios.
Authors: Leia de Azeredo Silveira, Hilda Boa Vista and Henrique Pongetti
Arrangements, musical direction and participation as the piano play by Radamés Gnattali
Regency: Romeu Ghipsman
Starring: Clarinha Araújo (Joujoux), Mario Reis (Balangandan) and a large cast consisting of 280 amateur artists, among big names in high society in Rio.
Songs: Leia de Azeredo Silveira, Hilda Boa Vista, Ary Barroso (Aquarela do Brasil, Quem é você), Lamartine Babo (Joujoux e Balangandans) and Dorival Caymmi.

Performance of Fantasia Brasileira, for piano and orchestra by Radamés Gnattali. I
Premier of the samba Aquarela do Brasil, by Ary Barroso, interpreted by the singer Cândido Botelho.

dealization and production: dona Darcy Vargas (First Lady) / Campanha do Redentor (For the benefit of Cidade das Meninas and Casa do Pequeno Jornaleiro) Source: Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional Jornal do Brasil (RJ) 28/07/1939