Aída Gnattali with the words: ‘Dad studied music and piano with Uncle Mena (Cesar Fossati), my mother’s brother. He was very hardworking, worked all day as a carpenter and could only study music at night. He saved some money and bought an old piano. His friends often found him sleeping on top of the piano. Later, he bought a bassoon, a method, and studied by himself. In a few years he became a piano teacher, conductor and bassoon player in an orchestra. He fought very, very hard to make his dream of founding a symphony orchestra in Porto Alegre come true, but he could not. It was difficult to gather those musicians, who skipped rehearsals and didn’t want to work hard. Dad even took money from his own pocket to maintain the orchestra.
[The Porto Alegre Symphony Orchestra (OSPA) would only be founded in 1950]. The photo shows Alexandre Gnattali, around 1939.