On December 30, 1927, Radamés received the gold medal in the contest he had won in 1924, at the Porto Alegre Musical Conservatory. Aída explains: ‘Radamés was the only one in that generation who managed to get the maximum score: 60 points. After him, years later, only Nise Obino* got that score’.
* Nise Poggi Obino (1918-1995). Pianist and teacher. In 1934, he graduated from the Fine Arts Institute in Porto Alegre (RS) and, the following year, won the top prize in the Araújo Viana contest, with a gold medal and a trip to Europe. In 1944, he travels throughout Brazil giving concerts in recitals, on a mission for the Ministry of Education and Public Health. In 1945, in Uruguay, he took an improvement course with Fritz Busch (1890-1951) and performed with the Sodre Orchestra. Source: Itaú Cultural ENCYCLOPEDIA of Brazilian Art and Culture. São Paulo: Itaú Cultural, 2020.