Catálogos / Música Popular / Composição

Música para Rádio: for small orchestra (with celesta)


Radamés Gnattali
(Composição, Arranjo)

Data do documento:

not indicated

Data da obra:

not indicated


orchestra: 2 flutes (with piccolo); 2 clarinets; bass clarinet; guitar; accordion; double bass; celesta (piano); drums (triangle, snare drum, cymbal, bass drum).


"Musica para Radio" is a suite of popular music, in 3 versions, written between the years 1941 and 1959, for 3 orchestral formations. The three versions of the suite do not follow the same form, but have variations in both order and number of sections.

Descrição Física


Partitura manuscrita pelo autor (20 p. mais capa)


Music paper, for orchestra, with 22 staves. The sections are presented in the following order III - I - II - IV - V.


Cataloging done on the basis of a digital image.

Dados de edição

Local de publicação:

Rio de Janeiro

Data de publicação:

not indicated