About the website

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You will find important information about his life and work, search for the catalogs – his Concert Music and, the recent presented: The First Catalog of compositions and arrangements of his Popular Music production.
Warning: All the catalogs or any other item presented here are not available to download, either manuscripts, published or electronically edited. At Collection > sheet music you will find autographs of Radamés’ works, accompanied by a link that will give you access to the Radamés Gnattali Archive of digitized scores, for consultation only.

Ainda em Catálogos, você disporá de uma discografia básica com dados dos discos mais importantes da carreira de Radamés, gravados por ele e outros grandes intérpretes da sua obra.

Radamés and his timelineas the title suggests is a step by step, year by year guide of his artistic career, imbricated to national and international artistic, cultural and political events that remained as important influence and have even imposed conditions to his trajectory in music as interpreter, composer, arranger, conductor or musical director.

Speak out, Maestro! The section gives voice to the Maestro own thoughts and words, that enable us to visualize his life, from prodigious child and the promising piano concertist to the immense composer, arranger and pianist, interpreter of his own work.

Em Recortes você percorrerá os principais lances da vida artística de Radamés por intermédio de notas, matérias e críticas publicadas em revistas e jornais de época, desde sua estreia no Rio de Janeiro, em 1924, até os dias atuais.

An album of photoswith explanatory captions, as well as the programs and brochuressection, both available at Collectiontell more about Radamés personal, professional and artistic life. You may find items that will lead you to images of manuscripts, videos and audios containing extracts of his work either recorded by himself or by Radamés’ great interpreters; you will listen to his voice telling us the story of his arrival in Rio de Janeiro and his start at the radio during the twenties.

Yet in this section you will be able to consult a series of documents, with images of his texts, letters and personal objects,historical pieces found in a sort of memory storage box.

Browsing the site you may be oriented to consult the Glossary. It concerns a secondary item of the menu in the bottom bar of HOME page It will help you to understand the specific nomenclature used, mainly, in the Catalogsto characterize certain instrumental formations, such as Camerata Carioca, Sexteto Radamés Gnattali, Pequena orquestra, etc.

Yet in this secondary item, we will find the way to Contactsection. That is a space for visitors where you may get in touch with the organizers any time you need, for further information, to clear doubts or to request more details about Radamés’ work, commercial conditions of his scores and/or for critics, corrections and other suggestions.

Jan Zach. [Retrato de Radamés]. 1946. Óleo sobre tela, 47 x 70cm.

Retrato de Radamés
[Jan Zach, 1946]


Radamés Gnattali, 1983

elepê Orquestra Sinfônica Nacional da Rádio MEC

Orquestra Sinfônica Nacional da Rádio MEC
Concerto Romântico, para piano e orquestra.
Regente: Alceo Bocchino
Pianista: Radamés Gnattali